3/28 (Thursday) 2024 Theory and Technique Taiwan Forum on Sustainable Environment
Time |
Agenda |
8:00~9:00 |
Registration |
9:00~9:10 |
Opening Ceremony Office of International Affairs, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Associate Vice President for International Affairs: Prof. Li-Wei Chou TAAR President: Prof. Ying-I Tsai |
9:10~9:15 |
Group Photo |
Chair: Prof. How-Ran Chao National Pingtung University of Science and Technology |
9:15~9:45 |
Air Pollution in Jakarta : Potential Sources and Impact Prof. Puji Lestari Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia |
9:45~10:15 |
Research and Innovations in Haze Management and Control Prof. Attakorn Asanakham Chiang Mai University, Thailand |
10:15~10:45 |
Coffee Break/ Poster Exhibitions |
Chair: Prof. Sheng-Lun Lin National Cheng Kung University |
10:45~12:00 |
Sponsor Talks |
12:00~13:15 |
Lunch/ Poster Exhibitions |
Chair: Prof. Hsiao-Chi Chuang Taipei Medical University |
13:15~15:15 |
Work & Study Experience in Taiwan: Mr. Cherdpong Nobsathian (Thailand), Tai & Chyun Associates Industries, Inc. Mr. Lawrence So, (Malaysia), Tai & Chyun Associates Industries, Inc. Dr. Tuan-Hung Ngo, (Vietnam), Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp. Dr. Boopathi Subramani, (India), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Dr. Firdian Makrufardi, (Indonesia), Taipei Medical University |
15:15~15:45 |
Coffee Break/ Poster Exhibitions |
15:45~17:00 |
Job Fair |
17:00~18:00 |
Poster Awards & Closing Ceremony TAAR President- Prof. Ying-I Tsai |
18:00~20:30 |
Banquet at Shilin_Tainan Seafood & Lounge (Address: B1., No. 130, Jihe Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei City) |
3/29 (Friday) 東南亞國家空氣污染減量與永續環境論壇
2024 Theory and Technique Taiwan Forum on Sustainable Environment
Time |
Agenda |
8:30~9:00 |
Registration |
9:00~9:10 |
Opening Ceremony College of Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Ministry of Environment Associate Dean: Prof. Jiing-Feng Lirng TAAR Honorary president: Prof. Chih-Chieh Chen |
9:10~9:15 |
Group Photo |
Chair: Prof. Kai Hsien Chi National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University |
9:15~9:45 |
Atmospheric Polychlorinated Dibenzo-P-Dioxins and Dibenzofurans in Kuala Lumpur Urban Environment and Their Potential Risk to Human Health Prof. Dr. Mohd Talib Latif Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia |
9:45~10:15 |
Air Pollution Sources and the Effects of Seasonal Mesoscale Weather Patterns in Metro Manila Prof. Gerry Bagtasa University of the Philippines, Philippines |
10:15~10:30 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Prof. Sheng-Hsiang Wang National Central University |
10:30~11:00 |
Research Activities and Roles of Chiang Mai University on Air Pollution Management in Northern Thailand Prof. Somporn Chantara Chiang Mai University, Thailand |
11:00~11:30 |
Climate Change and Human Health in Vietnam: Vulnerabilities, Risk, and Adaptation Prof. Tran Thi Tuyet Hanh Hanoi University of Public Health, Vietnam |
11:30~12:00 |
From 7-SEAS Toward ASIA-AQ: Regional Transport of Biomass burning and local air pollution Prof. Neng-Huei Lin National Central University, Taiwan |
12:00~13:30 |
Lunch |
Chair: Prof. Yu-Chieh Ting National Taiwan University |
13:30~14:00 |
Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Source Apportionment of Air Pollutants Prof. Chin-Yu Hsu Ming Chi University of Technology, Taiwan |
14:00~14:30 |
Assessment of PM2.5 Exposure of Jeepney Drivers in Metro Manila, Philippines Prof. Maria Obiminda Cambaliza Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines |
14:30~15:00 |
Mass Flows and Characteristics of Mercury Emitted from Coal-Fired Power Plants Equipped with Seawater Flue Gas Desulfurization Prof. Moo Been Chang National Central University, Taiwan |
15:00~15:30 |
Ambient Air Quality of SO2 and NO2 in Settlements Around Coal-Fired Power Plants in Northern Thailand Prof. Wan Wiriya Chiang Mai University, Thailand |
15:30~15:45 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Prof. Kai Hsien Chi National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University |
15:45~16:15 |
“DustBoy” Air-Sensor of Communities for the Better Communications Prof. Sate Sampattagul Chiang Mai University, Thailand |
16:15~16:45 |
Chemical Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Secondary Inorganic Aerosols: The Decisive Role of Aerosol Acidity and Meteorological Conditions Prof. Yu-Chieh Ting National Taiwan University, Taiwan |
16:45~17:15 |
Characterization of Particulate Matter from Fireworks Emission and Their Toxicity Prof. Duangduean Thepnuan Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Thailand |
17:15~ 17:30 |
Closing Ceremony |
■ Keynote speaker

Prof. Puji Lestari
Department of Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering (FCEE), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
Areas of Specialization
1.Air quality monitoring and modeling.
2.Aerosol characterization and composition.
3.Emission inventory and source apportionment.

Topic:Research activities and roles of Chiang Mai University on air pollution management in Northern Thailand
Assoc.Prof. Somporn Chantara
Department of Chemistry Department and Environmental Science Research Center(ESRC), Chiang Mai University
Areas of Specialization
1.Air pollution, Air quality monitoring, PM2.5, Aerosols, Atmospheric deposition.
2.Biomass burning emission.
3.Smoke haze Monitoring.

Topic:Atmospheric polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans in Kuala Lumpur urban environment and their potential risk to human health
Prof. Mohd. Talib Latif
Department of Earth Sciences and Environment, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Areas of Specialization
1.Atmospheric chemistry and air pollution.
2.Inorganic and organic composition of atmospheric aerosols.
3.Volatile organic compounds.

Topic:Air pollution sources and the effects of seasonal mesoscale weather patterns in Metro Manila, Philippines
Prof. Gerry Bagtasa
National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan
Areas of Specialization
1.Application of portable automated lidar to the mass extinction efficiency of tropospheric aerosols and cloud classification in satellite images.
2.Optics and Electronics (Atmospheric Physics).
3.Artificial Systems Division.
4.Physics with specialization in computer application.

Topic:Assessment of PM2.5 Exposure of Jeepney Drivers in Metro Manila, Philippines
Assoc.Prof. Maria Obiminda (Obie) Cambaliza
Department of Physics of the Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
Areas of Specialization
1.Atmospheric Science and Air Quality.
2.Civil and Environmental Engineering.
3.Greenhouse gas emissions from urban environments and other anthropogenic sources.

Topic:“DustBoy” Air-Sensor of Communities for the Better Communications
Assoc.Prof. Sate Sampattagul
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University
Areas of Specialization
1.Life Cycle Assessment(LCA).
2.Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.
3.Carbon Footprint for Organization (CFO) and Carbon Footprint of Product (CFP).
4.Water Footprints(WF).
5.Low Carbon City (LCC) and City Carbon Footprint (CCF)

Topic:Ambient air quality of SO2 and NO2 in settlements around coal-fired power plants in Northern Thailand
Asst.Prof. Wan Wiriya
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University
Areas of Specialization
1.Air pollution monitoring including particulate matter.
2.PAHs (Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)from biomass burning.
3.Volatile organic compounds.
4.Atmospheric acid deposition, Low-cost Sensor.
5.Face Mask for PM2.5 and covid19
6.Clean room and In door air Quality (IAQ) monitoring.

Topic:Climate change and human health in Vietnam: vulnerabilities, risk, and adaptation
Assoc.Prof. Tran Thi Tuyet Hanh
Department of Public Health, Hanoi University
Areas of Specialization
1.Environmental health risk assessment and risk communication.
2.Climate change and health impacts; V&A assessment
3.Emerging – reemerging infectious diseases, Ecohealth, One Health.
4.Air pollution and health impacts; Water, sanitation and waste management intervention programs.
5.Assessing the sustainability of public health intervention programs.

Topic:Research and innovations in haze management and control
Assoc.Prof. Attakorn Asankham
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chiang Mai University
Areas of Specialization
1.Energy management: Solar cell enhancement, PV and PV/T applications, Battery and Fuel cell applications.
2.Particle agglomeration: Electrostatic precipitator (ESP), Electrical charged mist, After-burner for oil particles.
3.Heat Recovery Systems: Heat Exchanger Design, Heat Pump, Heat Transformer, System Simulation.
4.Computational Fluid dynamics: Flow pattern, Heat transfer enhancement.

Topic:Characterization of particulate matter from fireworks emission and their toxicity
Dr. Duangduean Thepnuan
Department of Chemistry, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
Areas of Specialization
1.Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry
2.Air Pollution
3.Atmospheric chemistry
4.Biomass burning emission
■ Technical Tour
Largest Thermal Power Plant in Taiwan
Technical Tour – Taichung Power Plant
Wednesday 27th March 2024
11:00 – 16:00
Explore Taiwan's largest thermal power plant --- Taichung power plant, and stroll through its park design.
Taichung Power Plant has invested significantly in environmental improvement projects to ensure air quality. Substantial progress has been made in reducing coal usage and emissions, addressing both source management and end-of-pipe treatment.
Taichung Power Plant is actively improving the performance of electrostatic precipitators and installing wet electrostatic precipitators to further decrease particulate emissions. With the future addition of new gas turbine units, it is anticipated that the emission of air pollutants will be further reduced by up to 50%.
This technical tour will give participants an impression of the size and activity of the environmental improvement system, electrostatic precipitators both dry and wet, and how they operate. As we pass by a unit, our technical guide will offer participants equipment improvement information during and after the tour.
11:00- 12:00 Visit power plant unit
12:00- 13:30 Lunch
13:30- 16:00 Power plant environmental improvement presentation
Fees: Lunch and transportation are self-managed.